This page last changed on Jun 09, 2005 by orogers.

SourceGear Vault Configuration Example

For Visual Source Safe you must specify the executable, project, username and password. You may also specify the SSDIR. If SSDIR is not set the default or the SSDIR environment variable will be used.

<sourcecontrol type="vault">
           <executable>c:\program files\sourcegear\vault client\vault.exe</executable>

Configuration Elements:

Node Description Type Required Default
executable The location of the vault command-line executable string false C:\Program Files\SourceGear\Vault Client\vault.exe
username Vault user id that CCNet should use to authenticate string false * null
password Password for the Vault user string false * null
host The name of the Vault server string false * null
repository The name of the Vault repository to monitor. string false * null
folder The root folder to be monitored by CCNet string false $
ssl Should SSL be used to communicate with the Vault server. bool false false
autoGetSource Specifies if CCNet should automatically retrieve the latest version of the source from the repository bool false false
applyLabel Specifies if CCNet should apply the build label to the repository bool false false
timeout How long (in milliseconds) the operation will be permitted to run before timing out. The default value is 10 minutes. int false 10 minutes

*: it is possible to deposit these values with the Vault client so that they do not need to be stored in the ccnet.config file.

Getting the latest source from Vault

NOTE: as of 0.9.2, CCNet now supports automatically getting the latest version of the source from Vault. The NAnt bootstrap file is no longer necessary.

Filtering out Label Changes

Vault interprets new labels as changes, so if you apply a label as part of your build process, this will kick off another build. To get around this, use a Filtered Source Control Block. If your build server uses a specific user id to integrate with Vault, you can set up a UserFilter to filter out all changes made by that user.

Problems with CCService and Vault 3.0.2+

If you are experiencing problems detecting modifications using CCService after upgrading to Vault 3.0.2, it may be related to the enhanced security features of the Vault server. You should try the following process to fix this issue:
  • reinstall the Vault Server to have the IIS Process Model run as System (ie. not Machine)
  • change the CCService to run as an actual user, not as LocalSystem.

Code contributed by Ryan Duffield and Leo von Wyss.

Document generated by Confluence on Jun 26, 2005 17:23